
Fav Gift Websites

Since I live several states away from the majority of my family, I have relied on the good old postal service to deliver my gifts. During the holidays, many gift places (if you wait them out) will eventually offer $5 shipping or even FREE shipping. And the way I look at it, if I don’t have to find a box, address it and then take it to the mail center to stand in line to mail it, I have saved gasoline and time.

Here is a collection of companies I have used for food type gifts over the years.

Rise-n-Roll Bakery
An Amish run operation filled with amazing baked good. Not everything in their bakery/store is available online. But the one thing you MUST try at least once in your life are their Cinnamon Caramel Donuts. Now, you have to buy a dozen and a half of them. They are frozen, then sent 2-day shipping. They are very picky, in that they want those donuts to be perfect when you get them. If you have to pay more to get them overnighted, I’d do it. At work, we referred to them as Amish Crack. They are just that addictive. They are dipped in this caramel icing then topped with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon...and I might add, they are HUGE donuts. You won’t think you could possibly eat a whole one. Then you will look up and you have downed two of them and are headed toward a sugar coma. You will have to call and set up the donut order. Be patient. They have one guy who does this special shipping.

This company is easy to work with, if you have questions or messed something up when you placed the order, they are great at fixing any problem. The grind the beans (if you want pre-ground sent) the day it ships out. I have gotten rave reviews every time I send this as a gift. My mother-in-law likes a blend they have named “Mind Your Tummy.” It’s a low acid blend and does not bother her stomach or aggravate the medications she takes on a daily basis.  I have given a variety of the fun blends to my sister. So far her favorite is the “Highlander Grogg.” Sounds weird, but she says it is amazing.

Senior Murphy’s
A well established New Mexico company. If you like sweets or spicy and sweet sweets, this is the place for you. But watch out, the spicy brittle with cause you to eat more to combat the heat, and you look up and the bag of brittle is gone. It’s sooooo good! Everything in their store is good.

Tortuga Rum Cakes
I had no idea when I sent a rum cake sample box to my sister that she and her daughter had toured the factory years ago when they were on a cruise. Needless to say, I scored BIG points that year. The next year, I followed that up with a set of their grilling sauces. Hot to very hot. Again, it was a big hit!

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