
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oatmeal Cookies on a whole nother level: Organic Multi-Grain Oatmeal Cookies

Organic Multi-Grain Oatmeal Cookies
Last night, I told my daughter I would get up early to make a batch of oatmeal cookies to take to her friend’s house. It’s sad, but as a southern woman, I cannot seem to allow my children or spouse to show up empty handed when visiting someone. As my luck would have it, I only had one cup of instant oatmeal left in the container on my pantry shelf. Drat. I don’t want to go to the store at 7 a.m.

Organic Multi-Grain Oatmeal
I then remembered that we had a visitor a few weeks ago that was a “healthy” eater. I had purchased a number of organic items for her, one being multigrain instant oatmeal packets! I’m saved! This particular organic oatmeal also contained wheat, quinoa, rye and flax seeds. These cookies will not only be good, but they will also be healthy! (I have always convinced myself that eating a couple, or three, oatmeal cookies in the morning for breakfast was equivalent to eating a bowl of oatmeal. Rids the guilt.) But please know that you do not have to use organic, or even multi-grain products in this recipe. Plain old quick oats are perfectly fine to use.

In full disclosure, the only portion of this recipe that is totally organic is the multigrain instant oatmeal. The rest could have been organic, if those products had been purchased by me at my local grocery store.  There are whole sections now, dedicated to ingredient conscious cooks. I could have probably even made them gluten-free if I had that type of flour as well. So the name is sorta misleading, but it isn’t a full fib. I did use Organic Multi-Grain Oatmeal. There. I feel better.

This cookie is nutty, buttery, semi-soft and not overly sweet. It’s packed full of energy boosters and nutrition that will keep you going all morning if you eat them with your morning cup of coffee or tea. The yield is 6-dozen, so feel free to freeze half the dough to use another day if the batch is too large.

A few years ago I purchased a stainless steel scoop to use for cookie dough and melon balls. I had a plastic one that just wouldn’t let go of the dough I scooped up in it. This one is much better. Plus, it keeps the cookies uniform in size. I used the two-spoon method for years. I had horrible technique, so the scoop was added to my utensils drawer.

The cookie received rave reviews from my daughter this morning. Two dozen, plus a gallon of sweet tea are headed to a swimming pool in Calabasas as I type! I hope her friends enjoy them.

Organic Multi-Grain Oatmeal Cookies

Oven temp:  375 degrees
Yield:  6 dozen


  • 1 cup butter, margarine softened
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup instant oats, uncooked
  • 2 cups organic multi-grain instant oatmeal, uncooked
  • 1 cup nuts, chopped (I used sliced almonds, but any nut will could also use raisins if you wish.)


  1. Cream butter, sugars until smooth.
  2. Beat in eggs and vanilla
  3. Add flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt
  4. Fold in oats and nuts
  5. Chill in fridge for 10 minutes. (makes scooping easier)
  6. Arrange scoops on either a greased cookie sheet, or a sheet lined with parchment paper
  7. Bake 10-12 minutes. (10 for chewy cookies, 12 for crisp cookies)
  8. After cooling store in an air-tight container.

Multi-Grain: flax, oats, barley, wheat, quinoa and rye
Chilled cookie dough ready to scoop.
Oatmeal cookies ready for the oven.
Multi-Grain Oatmeal goodness!
Organic Multi-Grain Oatmeal Cookies

I used a combination of quick oats and the organic multi-grain oats. You could use all of either. It’s just up to you. Please let me know if you try this recipe and tell me how they turned out!

A wonderful woman passed on today. A woman that touched more people than we can count. I will end this blog with a photo of her and one of her inspirational quotes that we should all take to heart. R.I.P. Miss Maya. We are all better for having listened to your words.

As the mixing bowl turns,

Maya Angelou

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