
Friday, May 16, 2014

Wrap It Up: Light Summer Wrap Sandwiches

Summer Wrap Sandwich
SEver have a little salad left over from dinner? Not enough to use as a single serving, but too much to toss out? Well, throw it in a tortilla and make a Wrap Sandwich out of it for lunch!

There are a lot of tortilla varieties these days. My favorite is Mission, however, any tortilla will do. To be honest, my absolute favorite tortillas are from the Frontier Restaurant in Albuquerque, NM. They must use lard, cause those tortillas just melt in your mouth. Sorry. I digress.

The varieties I have chosen to use lately are the spinach, sun dried tomato and the traditional white ones. It will be up to you what you choose to fill your tortilla with; ham, turkey, tuna salad, leftover chicken, fish...the possibilities are endless.

Leftover dinner salad

Three varieties of wraps
Sun-dried tomato wrap

Okay, I will digress one more time. Back when we lived in Massachusetts, the kids were at some kind of practice or meeting just about every night. I was so tired of eating late, or eating out of a fast-food bag. One day, I had decided to make a pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, you get the idea. I had totally forgotten that in addition to Hunter’s Kung Fu practice (don’t judge) he also had a Boy Scouts meeting to work on his little wooden car. Here we go, I’ve spent the whole afternoon cooking and he will have to eat junk again! Then it hit me!! I could just put the meal in a big burrito tortilla! Addy saw me making it and said it looked awful. I didn’t care. I knew that Hunter would be hungry after Kung Fu practice. I was right! He gobbled the pot roast burrito meal down on his way to the scouts meeting and true to form, asked if I had made another one!  Hunter thought that was the greatest thing since sliced bread...or well...since a flour tortilla. I put down a layer of pot roast, followed with mashed potatoes, then gravy and topped it with green beans...tucked in the sides and rolled it all up. You can ask him, it’s still one of his favorite mealtime memories.

Now, back to the Wrap Sandwiches.  It’s pretty easy. Just fill the tortilla down the middle, tuck in the sides and give it a tight roll. This particular sandwich was with Miracle Whip (it was for Arthur, I’m a Mayo gal), smoked turkey and the bowl of salad that went untouched at dinner. I love adding avocado slices, or guacamole, onions, basically anything that cannot talk back.

Have fun rolling up your favorites this summer! It’s easy, quick and a welcomed change to the regular sack lunch.

As the mixing bowl turns,
Donna : - )

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