
Thursday, July 24, 2014

6 Tomato Bruschetta: Whole Grain and Organic; the perfect cool treat on a hot summer’s day!

6 Tomato Bruschetta
There is absolutely nothing better than fresh summer tomatoes. Luckily, the stores and farmer’s markets are full of them. When I was a kid, I really just remember seeing three kinds of tomatoes; beefsteak, green beefsteak used for fried green tomatoes and little round salad tomatoes. Every year we grew a long row of tomato plants in the garden; 4-5 beefsteak and just one for the salads. At lunch we had tomatoes on whatever sandwich was made and in the evening, we had a couple of slices as a side item to whatever supper was served. We just could not get enough tomatoes, it seemed!

Sidebar:  My mother used to make me peel the big tomatoes before I sliced them and served them, on a sandwich or on the side. I have no idea why she liked them peeled. She still peels hers to this day. I have yet to come across another mom or cook that peels tomatoes. If you have an information as to what caused that trend, please let me know. Now back to Bruschetta...

I cannot remember when I was served my first Bruschetta. I just remember thinking that this would have been the perfect solution to our bumper crops of tomatoes every year. I mean, what else could be needed; buttery toasted bread topped with fresh basil, garlic, tomatoes, onions and drizzled with balsamic vinegar. It’s warm and cool, salty and sweet, soft and crunchy. Bruschetta is just pretty close to the perfect snack.

I’ve given many chain restaurants and family owned restaurants the opportunity to win me over with their versions of Bruschetta. One place even served the tomato mixture sauteed slightly so that it was a warm dish. No bad. Just not my favorite. But every time we order it out, my daughter always remarks that it is never better than my version. It’s terribly sweet of her to say that. Of course, we are usually at an Italian place that is adjacent a shopping it’s hard to know just how sincere the compliment is. But, she has a pretty good batting average at rating two things; movies and food. So, she must be right!

I was inspired to make my recipe this time using six (6) different varieties of tomatoes. It was my first visit to Trader Joe’s and the tomatoes were just calling me! I bought a container of “off the vine” tomatoes, a container of heirloom tomatoes and a container of sugar plum tomatoes. All the tomatoes were organic and fresh and sweet! It’s a wonder there were enough to serve on top of the bread after all the ‘sampling’ I did!

6 Tomato Bruschetta
Chopping time: 10-15, depending on skill level. : )
Serves: 2-8, depending on love of tomatoes. : )


  • 1 fresh baked baguette, (mine was whole grain), sliced, buttered and browned in a skillet
  • 1 large beefsteak tomato, diced
  • 6-8 small grape or salad tomatoes
  • 6-8 small orange tomatoes
  • 6-8 small yellow tomatoes
  • 1 small brown heirloom tomato
  • 1 small roma tomato
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup onions, minced
  • 5-6 fresh basil leaves chopped
  • salt/black pepper to taste
  • 2 TBS olive oil
  • 1 TBS balsamic vinegar


  1. Toast all the bread and set aside.
  2. Chop all the veggies and herbs and toss together.
  3. Add salt, pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
  4. Next add the balsamic vinegar.
  5. Mound the tops of the toasted bread with the tomato mixture.
  6. Just before serving you can drizzle the tops with more olive oil and vinegar.
  7. Grab one while you can....the will go quickly!
Organic Sugar Plum Tomatoes

Container of mini Heirloom Tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves

Rolled the leaves, then chop

Minced fresh garlic cloves

All tossed in the bowl
This tray lasted less than 3 minutes.

Sometimes, on a hot summer evening, this IS supper for me and my daughter. My husband the ultimate carnivore still wants some protein on his plate, but some of you will really enjoy this when you aren’t in the mood to cook a full meal, but want something light.

Let me know how you like it. If you don’t feel like shopping around for six kinds of tomatoes, it is just as tasty with a single variety. I just got a little overwhelmed with all the choices that I chose them ALL!

Have a great weekend!

As the mixing bowl turns,
Donna ; - )

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