
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Snow Ice Cream! Great Snow Day Treat!!!

Snow Ice Cream (internet photo)
I’m not really sure whether which was the biggest treat, the snow ice cream or just the fact we had enough snow to make snow ice cream? Growing up in Oklahoma, we really didn’t get to see snow all that often. But as soon as there was a sizable accumulation, my parents were excited to share one of their cherished childhood treats.

Though I currently live in southern California, I have spent most of my married life living in very snowy parts of the U.S.; New Mexico, Massachusetts and Indiana. (We were fortunate to move last year the weekend before the Polar Vortex hit!) So, on a number of occasions I had the opportunity to have my children help me create this quick sweet snack while they were enjoying a day off from school.

You can get as creative as you wish. Serve your Snow Ice Cream in a cone, as as sundae with your favorite toppings. You can make simple syrups, add food coloring and flavorings, or you can just go old school, like we did, and make your basic vanilla.

I have no current photos of Snow Ice Cream that I made. I have provided an internet photos to give you an idea of what the finished product should look like.

Enjoy your Snow Day and time with your kids! Grab a big bowl or pan, gather some snow and mix up something special! Share your photos with me and I will post them on the blog!

Snow Ice Cream

  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cups sugar
  • 4-5 Cups CLEAN Snow

  • Go outside and get 4 - 5 cups of fresh, clean snow. 
  • Don't pack the snow! Bring it in the house and set it in the freezer until you need it.
  • Mix together the milk, vanilla, and the sugar. Stir this mixture until the sugar is dissolved. 
  • Slowly add the snow to your mixture, stirring constantly, until it is as thick as ice cream! 
  • Serve in a cone, in a bowl with toppings or however you wish!

The finished product! (internet photo)

As the mixing bowl turns,
Donna ; - )

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